Out Of The Ordinary: Understanding Future Climate Change By Studying Natural Climate Cycles

Attend The Live Talk by CPR Initiative Advisor Dr. Eelco Rohling

lone green plant thrives amidst cracked, dry earth, symbolizing nature's resilience and the fight against climate change, showcasing life's ability to recover and flourish without human intervention.

Watch the Address by Professor Eelco Rohling, CPR Initiative Board Advisor

Out of the ordinary: understanding future climate change by studying natural climate cycles

You are invited to watch the archive of CPR Initiative Board Advisor Dr. Eelco Rohling’s inaugural lecture at Ulrecht University (below). Click here for the official transcript of this presentation.

About Professor Rohling

Professor Eelco Rohling

EELCO J. ROHLING is Professor at Ulrecht University in The Hague, Netherlands. His expertise includes Oceanography, Climate, Paleoceanography, Paleoclimate and Marine Geology.

Dr. Rohling is also retired Professor in Ocean and Climate Change at the Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra. He is also affiliated with the National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, UK, a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), a Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science, Australian Laureate Fellow, and recipient of the 2021 AGU & United States Navy Maurice Ewing Medal in ocean sciences.

Professor Rohling is, moreover, editor-in-chief of Oxford Open Climate Change. He has published ~230 peer-reviewed contributions, and three public science books: “The Oceans: a Deep History” by Princeton University Press, 2017; “The Climate Question: Natural Cycles, Human Impact, Future Outlook” by Oxford University Press, 2019; and “Rebalancing Our Climate: The Future Starts Today” by Oxford University Press, 2021.”