Our planet’s energy imbalance is threatening civilization and nature as we have come to know it. Extreme heat waves, unprecedented wildfires, super storms, extreme flooding, and accelerated sea level rise are all attributable, at least in part, to unremittingly high fossil fuel pollution. Far worse is still to come unless we act.
Together we can counter the mounting threat, including by the enforcement of existing environmental law. In particular we must demand accountability by forcing the major climate polluters to clean up their mess.
CPR Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit determined to protect and restore our planet’s climate system. But we cannot do it alone. Please join this fight for our common future. All financial contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. CPR Initiative’s EIN is 84-4101354, and our IRS determination letter can be found here.
You may use the following online form, or else send your donation to:
Climate Protection & Restoration Initiative
2495 Hilyard St., Suite A
Eugene, Oregon 97405, USA
We greatly appreciate your support.