The Environmental Statute
That Can Save the World

It’s not as well-known as the Clean Air Act but the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act can and must be used to control greenhouse gases. That’s why we’re petitioning EPA. Sept. 13, 2022 Op-Ed by CPR Initiative Executive Director and General Counsel Dan Galpern. Reprinted by Permission of the Washington Monthly.

Atmospheric Recovery Litigation: Making the Fossil Fuel Industry Pay to Restore a Viable Climate System

Written By Mary Christina Wood & Daniel M Galpern Originally Published in Environmental Law Review (Journal of Lewis & Clark School of Law) (2015) Abstract: At its core, the public…

Climate Change 101: Urgency and Response

Photo credit to Dan Galpern

We have only just begun to awaken to the unfolding calamity
inherent in human-induced global climate change. . . [B]inding
international measures adequate to counter GHG emission
trends do not yet exist. That failure is largely a function of the
United States’ refusal to accept any legally binding limit on
GHG emissions….