Loss of Chevron Deference is No Excuse
Author: Dan Galpern
Now a King, Above the Law
Former President Trump has promised repeatedly that, should he retake office, he will assume dictatorial powers, if only on Day One, in order to launch a massive expansion of oil and gas drilling, among other things…
On the Duty to Tell the Truth About Oil, Gas and Coal
Our unenviable predicament with respect to our planet’s climate system is the direct consequence of scores of critical decisions taken by government and industry. Can we expect to soon learn…
“A Key Assumption”
Mark. It. Down. April 25, 2024 On this day, oral argument was held before the Supreme Court, in Trump v. The United States. The critical question: whether former President Trump…
A Real Methane Fee (Not)
I had hoped that EPA’s proposed methane Waste Emissions Charge, intended to implement a part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act — and to complement the just-published oil and gas…
Supreme Illogic: Our High Court’s Tortured Ballot-Access Ruling
Several months ago, from Dubai, I offered an elementary observation in a talk to a number of climate activists: We simply cannot, and must not, depend on the US judicial…
CPR Initiative’s Third Public Hearing on Climate Action
We are pleased to announce publication of our Third Public Hearing on Climate Action. Please see here for the full archive. (The hearing index to it is still being completed).…
Not a King, and Not Immune:
the DC Circuit Court’s Clarion Order
On Tuesday, in a closely reasoned and narrow ruling, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia unanimously rejected the most extravagant assertions of immunity from federal prosecution…
Tipping Again
On December 6, 2023, smack dab in the middle of COP28, a powerful, clearly written, and rather comprehensive report, Global Tipping Points, was released by the University of Exeter and…
Readying a Stronger Approach for the New Year
Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are readying our new petition to compel the United States to undertake an orderly phaseout of fossil fuels within reach of existing US law. This…
A Petrostate-Captured COP
In my last post, here, I raised what I considered a singularly-critical question arising from the recently-concluded COP28: Why did the recently-concluded 28th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC…
Was it the ‘Beginning of the End’? COP28 & the Aspirational Fossil Fuel Phase Out
I fervently hoped to be proven wrong. In a blog post on Nov. 30, two days before my arrival in Dubai, I had predicted that the 28th Conference of the…