CPR Initiative Board of Advisors
Ocean & Climate Change Professor
EELCO J. ROHLING is retired Professor in Ocean and Climate Change at the Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra. He remains affiliated with the National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, UK. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science, Australian Laureate Fellow, and recipient of the 2021 AGU & United States Navy Maurice Ewing Medal in ocean sciences. Professor Rohling is also the editor-in-chief of Oxford Open Climate Change.
Dr. Rohling has published ~230 peer-reviewed contributions, and three public science books: “The Oceans: a Deep History” by Princeton University Press, 2017; “The Climate Question: Natural Cycles, Human Impact, Future Outlook” by Oxford University Press, 2019; and “Rebalancing Our Climate: The Future Starts Today” by Oxford University Press, 2021.”
For a presentation on The Climate Question, see http://www.highstand.org/erohling/Rohling-papers/2019%20climate%20question%20speech.mp4
For a presentation on Rebalancing Our Climate, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTzVtjNWtB4&list=PL1A19iSvkqU9iLOicjucQ877A6fUx1l6d