CPR Initiative Conifers Circle of Major Donors
CPR Initiative Bristlecone Pine Donors
Bristlecone Pine
(Balfourianae / Pinus longaeva)
Gift Amount = $5K+
The Bristlecone Pine is among the oldest living organisms on earth. One in particular, Methuselah, holds the world record as the oldest living tree today. (National Park Service)
Lisbeth Gronlund | Dennis Levitt & Jane Gordon | David Wright | Donn J. Viviani |
Foundations & Organizations
Alex C. Walker Foundation | Tiemann Investment Advisors |
CPR Initiative Giant Sequoia Donors
Giant Sequoia
(Sequoiadendron giganteum)
Gift Amount = $4K – $4999
The Giant Sequoia is the most massive tree on the planet. The largest of these, in Sequoia National Park, is 52,508 cubic feet by trunk volume. (National Park Service)
Anonymous | Richard Michaux | Kevin Shanley |
CPR Initiative Coastal Redwood Donors
Coastal Redwood
(Sequoia sempervirens)
Gift Amount = $3K – $3999
With a legendary reddish-brown trunk that can exceed 350 feet, the Coastal Redwood is easily the tallest tree in the world. Perhaps less well-known is that “[t]heir roots grow only 10 to 13 feet vertically, and then spread horizontally for 60 to 80 feet, intertwining with the roots of other redwoods in a grove for stability.” (National Park Service)
~ Individuals ~
John Birks |
CPR Initiative Sitka Spruce Donors
Sitka Spruce
(Picea sitchensis)
Gift Amount = $2K – $2999
The Sitka Spruce is also a staggeringly tall tree, and is the largest of the spruce family. Its light and flexible, yet strong wood has long been preferred in all kinds of general construction, as well as for making instruments like violins and pianos. (British Columbia)
~ Individuals ~
Ron Morrison | Nora & John Parell | Victor Sher |
CPR Initiative Ponderosa Pine Donors
Ponderosa Pine
(Pinus ponderosa)
Gift Amount = $1K – $1999
One of the most iconic trees on the North American continent, and easily identifiable by its aromatic bark which smells of vanilla or butterscotch. (National Park Service)
~ Individuals ~
Daniel Cohen | Oscar Gerster | Stefanie Herrington |
Peter Principato | Lise Van Susteren | John & Pem Winquist |
CPR Initiative Western Redcedar Donors
Western Redcedar
(Thuja Plicata)
Gift Amount = $500 – $999
The Western Redcedar, also known as arborvitae (Latin for “tree of life”), is a fragrant, durable, and particularly decay-resistant wood, which is why it was used in early canoes, shelters, clothing and even medicine. “A fallen cedar can remain on the forest floor for well over a century,” so it’s no wonder that for native people of the northwest “[g]roves of ancient cedars were symbols of power, and gathering places for ceremonies, retreat, and contemplation.” (Oregon.gov)
~ Individuals ~
Nelson Bonner | Alexander Cunliffe | John Fitzgerald | Debbie Hill |
Peter Joseph | Mac Lankford | Roy Mason | Kelly O’Hanley |
Cathy Orlando | Roger Shamel | Durwood Zaelke |
~ Foundations & Organizations ~
Del Cerro Tennis Club | Sundance Natural Foods |
CPR Initiative Douglas-fir Donors
(Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Gift Amount = $50 – $499
Douglas-fir comprise eighty percent of conifers west of the Cascades, and were designated Oregon’s state tree in 1936 due to their economic and ecological significance. (Oregon Encyclopedia)
~ Individuals ~
John Albers | Marcia Annenberg | Kenneth Ashe | Mike Aucott | Jodi Azulai | Donald Bader |
Kristi Bader | Ralph Baker | Robert Bastien | Kevin Bell | Thomas Blackburn | Michael Bobker |
Kathleen Boylan | Marilyn Bracken | Michael Branagan | Robert Brancale | Rob Briggs | Marion Brisk |
Sheila Brown | Sheila Brutoco Young | Carolyn Brzezinski | Ken Buesseler | Gwen Burns | Larry Bush |
Eileen Cashman-Jermak | Daniel Chandler | Jennifer Coken | Deborah Cook | Mark Corrales | Marcia Curran |
Alexander Cunliffe | Cynthia Danforth | John Darovec | Julia Dederer | Jan Dietrick | Rollin Dix |
Rita Donlon | Abigail Donovan | Gabrielle Duebendorfer | William Dundas | Jessa Ellenburg | Chris Ennis |
Ross Erwin | Robert Evans | Donald Everhart | Richard Faidley | Leonard Feldman | Virginia Fitzgerald |
Sarah Foley | Jennifer Francis | James Friend | Christine Gabriele | Arnold & Lois Galpern | Valerie Gardner |
Peter Garrett | Wendy Gibson-Viviani | Judy Giers | Kathleen Goforth | Josh Goldstein | Kathe Gowland |
Neal & Elee Hadley | Niloofar Haeri | Chris Harding | Warren Harnden | Alexander Heavens | Richard Heede |
Char Heitman | Paul Helms | Shiloh Hernandez | Josh Heumann | Christina Hoenig | Frank Holland |
Jamie Hollomon | Deanna Homer | Mike Horner | Joel Huberman | Anonymous | Peter Jenkins |
Eldred D Kagawa | Seth Karpinski | Julia Kayser | Greg Kempf | Barbara Jo Kingsley | Georgia Kinninger |
Anita Knight | Sandra & Tim Koch-McFarre | Tara Kreft | William Kroll | Ann & Ron Lambeth | Ronal Larson |
Toby Levin | Michael Levin | Jeffrey Levitt | Christine Lytle | Elizabeth Lobos | George Lombardi |
Cara Loriz | Alex Lubarsky | Sabine Luther | Michael MacCracken | Charles Macquarie | Cynthia Mahoney |
Meg Maier | John Martin | Charlene Mayes | Maria McClain | James McCay | Michael Metzner |
Gabriela Mihalache | Alexi Miller | Seth Miller | Susan Monson | River Montijo | William Moomaw |
Jennifer Moore | Mary Mowry | Molly Mueller | Katherine Murray | Klaus Nachbaur-Sturm | Lisa Naito |
Tanya Narath | Chris Nelson | Marilyn Nersesian | Dev Noily | William Oliveri | Ann Oliveri |
John Ortega | Shawn Oueinsteen | Merlyn Paine | Jerome Paulson | Irina Petropavlovskikh | Cassandra Phillips |
Melanie Plaut | Brendan Quarry | Daniel Quinn-Shea | Diane Ragalie | Jeff Raimer | Christine Real de Azua |
Keith Redfield | Larry Reed | Richard Rezac | Laura Rogers | Robert Romero | Irma Russell |
Debra Safer | Hilary Salk | Mona Sarfaty | Makiko Sato | Robin Schaufler | Cookie Shimizu |
Barbara Schoeberl | David Schreiber | Richard Sheehan | Jeremy E Sherman | Raelene Shippee-Rice | David Shoemaker |
Richard Shore | Robert Showalter | Eric Smith | Therese Snyder | David Soles | Cynthia Stancioff |
Wendy Stetson | Win Swafford | Charlie Tebbutt | Robert Testani | Cece Trainor | Brian Unitt |
Tony Viviani | John Wahl | Diane Wallace | Lynn Walloch | Robert Weinberger | Raymond Welch |
Dale Wells | Shane White | Robert Wright | Evelyn P Whitlock | Anne Wildenborg | John Wilson |
Rose Ann Witt | Robert Woliver | Sally Woliver | Harold Woodley | Mary Woodward | Carol Woody |
Robert Wright | Daphne Wysham | Linda Zahrt | Arline Zeidler | D.R. Zimdahl | Jan Zuckerman |
~ Foundations & Organizations ~
350 Humboldt | Bahr Law Offices | Center for Healing & Integrative Medicine (CHIME) | Citizens Climate Lobby WV | Global Warming Education Network (GWEN) | Life of the Land |