3rd CPR Initiative Hearing on Climate Action

CPR Initiative Public Hearing on Climate Action in Santa Barbara, California on January 25, 2024. Co-hosted by the Community Environmental Council.


Co-sponored by CPR Initiative and the Community Environmental Council

What More should the U.S. Do On Climate?

A Public Hearing on Climate Action
January 25, 2024 | 6PM – 8:30PM (PST)
Reception to follow

The science is clear. Comprehensive, concrete action to phase out climate pollution is required. Devastating climate impacts are upon us already, and far worse is yet to come.

On June 16, 2022, Climate Protection & Restoration Initiative (CPR Initiative), along with five renowned climate experts, petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to phase out greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and compel major climate polluters to clean up their mess.

Over a thousand individuals and more than a hundred organizations endorsed the effort.

Despite the Petition’s strong legal foundation and its summary of the overwhelming evidence, EPA declined to act, asserting it was already doing enough under other law.

But further delay in real climate action is not tenable, especially for coastal communities — including Santa Barbara, California.

Accordingly, CPR Initiative is conducting a series of public hearings on the fundamental question:

What More Should the United States Do on Climate?

The hearing will be held in partnership with a key ally, the Community Environmental Council (CEC) of Santa Barbara.

Please register below to attend or provide testimony.

Once again, several international climate experts will testify. In addition, as before, we will invite EPA to attend. As well, we will make the full record, including both expert and other public testimony, available to the Agency. That way, when EPA reconsiders its present position, it can hit the ground running.

CPR Initiative welcomes your considered thoughts on the climate crisis, its current and likely impacts to California, and what additional federal action is required to confront the climate crisis.

See you soon, in person at the Community Environmental Council’s Environmental Hub in downtown Santa Barbara, or else on-line! And again, please register immediately below.

Header image by Michael Aleo from Pexels

Event recording

Watch the full event recording now!

Event Details


Community Environmental Council’s Environmental Hub
1219 State St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Date & Time

Thursday, January 25, 2024
6:00pm – 8:30pm (PST)



Notes for Speakers

  • All registered speakers will have 2 minutes to provide testimony;
  • A microphone will be provided and all verbal testimony will be video recorded;
  • We ask that speakers kindly notify us of your presentation materials (if any) in advance so that we can best accommodate your technical requirements;
  • Written testimony is also welcome, and may be submitted up to one week after the event (See form below);
  • Rules are subject to change in order to ensure ample opportunity for all who wish to speak to do so.

Submit Written Testimony

Whether you register to speak or to attend, in-person or remotely, you may submit written testimony to the public record up to one week after the event. The deadline to submit testimony is 5pm PST on February 1, 2024. Thank you.

    What’s a public hearing on climate?

    Watch Our Previous Public Hearings!

    Learn more by watching the full recordings of CPR Initiative’s first and second Public Hearings on Climate Action in Boulder, CO, on November 1, 2022 and in Honolulu, HI, on September 29, 2023.