CPR Initiative’s Third Public Hearing on Climate Action


We are pleased to announce publication of our Third Public Hearing on Climate Action. Please see here for the full archive. (The hearing index to it is still being completed).

Held in Santa Barbara on January 25, the public hearing on climate was hosted by our local partner, the Community Environmental Council of Santa Barbara, and featured testimony from key experts, including:

Eelco Rohling, retired Professor in Ocean and Climate Change at The Australian National University, and author, most recently, of “The Oceans: a Deep History” (2017); “The Climate Question: Natural Cycles, Human Impact, Future Outlook” (2019); and “Rebalancing Our Climate: The Future Starts Today” (2021),

James E. Hansen, formerly Director of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, and currently Director of Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions (a program of the Earth Institute at Columbia University), and author, most recently, of Global Warming in the Pipeline,

Robert Watson, formerly Director of the Science Division and Chief Scientist for the Office of Mission to Planet Earth at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and lead author of the February 2021 United Nations Environment Program report Making Peace with Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies, and

Lise Van Susteren, a practicing general and forensic psychiatrist in Washington, DC and expert on the physical and mental health effects of climate disruption.

The hearing again focused on the critical question, What More Should the United States Do On Climate?

In addition to the invited experts, passionate statements and important information was received from local experts, activists, and students.

CPR Initiative is especially grateful for our new partnership with the Community Environmental Council of Santa Barbara.

Together with testimony received at our earlier public hearings, we are systematically building a substantial record for consideration by the US Environmental Protection Agency and other authorities. That record provides increasingly strong support for our contention that the United States can and should do far more to confront and reverse the existential climate threat.

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