On Tuesday, March 30, Dan Galpern, CPR Initiative General Counsel and Executive Director, transmitted to the Justices of the United Kingdom’s Supreme Court a letter (see below) taking exception to a…
Author: Dan Galpern
President Biden Should Impose a Carbon Fee Immediately
Under the Independent Offices Appropriations Act, the president retains authority to direct the Environmental Protection Agency to impose a fee on greenhouse gas emissions. By Dr. James Hansen and Dan…
Letter to President Biden: Impose Carbon Fees Without Delay
In January 2021, Dr. James E. Hansen, director of the program in Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions, and Dan Galpern, legal and policy adviser to Dr. Hansen and also General…
It’s Time: Remove Trump Now
President Donald Trump’s drive to overturn the 2020 election and maintain power, abetted at critical junctures by people who damn well know better, must be stopped. . . .Moreover, if we are to remain a nation of laws, then Trump must be prosecuted for his manifest crimes.